Inverting Op-Amp Resistor Calculator

Input Parameters (Inverting Op-amp)
Vout (V) 
R1 (KOhms)
V1 (Input lead) (V) 
V2 (non-zero only if offset is requred) (V)
Vp (V)
Vn (V)

R2 (KOhms)
R3 (KOhms)
R4 (KOhms)
<script language="JavaScript"> function Validate(form) { if(!form.Zo.value) { alert("Enter Value for Zo."); form.Zo.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Compute(form) { with(Math) { var Vout = Number(form.Vout.value); var A = Number(form.A.value); var R1 = Number(form.R1.value); var V1= Number(form.V1.value); var V2= Number(form.V2.value); var Vp = Number(form.Vp.value); var Vn = Number(form.Vn.value); var R2; var R3; var R4; var Vout1; // contribution due to V1 var Vout2; // contribution due to V2 var Precision= 3; if(A>0) A= -A; if(Vn==Vp) Vn= -Vp; if(Vn>Vp) { temp=Vp; Vp= Vn; Vn= temp; } if(Vn>0.0) Vn= 0; R2= -A*R1; R3= R1; Vout1= A*V1; Vout2= Vout-Vout1; //R4= Vout2*(R1/(V2*(R1+R2)))*R3 / (1-Vout2*(R1/(V2*(R1+R2)))); R4= R3*(1-Vout2*R1/((R1+R2)*V2))/ (Vout2*R1/((R1+R2)*V2)); form.R2.value= R2.toPrecision(Precision); form.R3.value= R3.toPrecision(Precision); form.R4.value= R4.toPrecision(Precision); form.Vp.value= Vp.toPrecision(Precision); form.Vn.value= Vn.toPrecision(Precision); form.A.value= A.toPrecision(Precision); } } </script>

Give the gain and desired output bias point to determine the bias and feedback resistors for an op-amp,

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Inverting Op-Amp Resistor Calculator