Number base converter

Value: Support the float number.

To convert different number bases is very useful and simple. There are different base systems, for example 2 base, 8 base, 10 base and 16 base.

In base-ten system, There are digits for the numbers zero through nine. In base-hexadecimal system, there are digits for the numbers zero through F.

The numeral base converter to convert the different base-numbers and it is powerful enough to convert the float number. Enjoy it!

For example, when you enter (121.11)10 = (10101.0001110000101000111101011100001010001111010111)2 = (111.01300220331130022033113)4 = (25.0702436560507534)8 = (15.1c28f5c28f5c)16 = (l.3gkfbgkfbg)16 and so on.

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Base converter